Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week 5

By using spreadsheets, students are able to see the information more clearly and easily. In subjects such as math and chemistry, numbers can gets confusing, but in a chart, they are much more readily used.
Spreadsheets are also a good way of getting students to organize their work. When someone types the information in the computer, it becomes jumbled and disorganized, but that problem is solved for many people if use spreadsheets.


Jennifer Schwartz said...

Excel really does help with organization and as we learned in class, it can save time if you are typing the same thing over and over again or at least the same formula!

hinds.marcee said...

Emily, I wanted to let you know that I checked out your web site for you. I really don't have anything to comment on at this time because it is still a work in progress. If you happen to update with Dr. Strange before class on Thursday, just leave a message on my blog!

DinesheaBendolph said...

I totally agree with you about spreadsheets being useful for math work. I think the formulas in excel are better to understand when computing math formulas. Excel is truly an organized, time saving program.