Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Week 4 Part 1

Seymour Papert had the idea of allowing children to use computers in the early 60's. No one thought this idea would ever become possible, however, because of the expense. Papert wanted to use computers to enhance students’ learning as well as creativity. Even though this was not completely accomplished, he did experiment with children first using a computer to make graphics and practice writing also.

Papert is seen today as “the world's foremost expert on how technology can provide new ways to learn”. With his educational projects all over the world, he made many advances in technology. He is finding the latest ways to incorporate education and computers for children. Seymour Papert is a dedicated professor that has high goals for students of today’s time.


1 comment:

Jennifer Schwartz said...

Can you imagine what it would be like if there were more people out there like him to help pave the way for teachers and technology!