Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Post 1 Week 2

"ACCESS provides high- quality classroom courses and teachers, via technology." Because of some schools' low income, they are not able to offer as many courses to students. Alabama's goal is to "provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning opportunities." ACCESS provides remediation courses, advanced diploma courses, and dual enrollment courses as well as other learning opportunities. Teachers benefit also with ACCESS' additional teaching tools.

This "distance learning" technique where teachers and students are not in the same classroom, are available as web-based classroom or video conferencing. Video conferencing can be a very good thing. It can provide more teachers, team-teaching between schools and developing teachers to be apart of another school culture. Some of the challenges, however, is that organization is key, and keeping the students interested and feel apart may be difficult. Students' benfits from ACCESS are limitless. Hopefully Alabama will promote ACCESS more and more to help students and teachers.

1 comment:

Jennifer Schwartz said...

Sometimes I enjoy an online class better than an actual in class one just because of the fact that I can work at my own pace verses feeling rushed. Just my commute is an hour to South Alabama...if I took classes online, I could use that hour to do school work. Sometimes I wish our upper level schools would use programs like ACCESS.